Saturday, December 21, 2013

Is Your Weight Loss Plan in Order?

It's that time of year again. Everyone is going to be making their New Years resolutions. Many people are thinking of Weight Loss. Unfortunately 90% of those people will fail at achieving their goal, many within the first month. You need to find a specific program that fits within your needs. If you have something that requires too much change you are going to get VERY discouraged after just a week! Then you'll ask yourself "Why did I even start this." Don't let that happen to you, not this year. Find something simple. Remember its a lifestyle change not a "quick fix" diet. Make small steps to improve your diet adding a new step every 3 weeks. Yes, thats right 3 weeks. This gives you time to adapt to a small change before making another one. Sounds simple right!?!? Well it is! That is key in any weight loss program it has to remain simple. The more complex it becomes the harder it is to stick with. Lets hear ideas, What helps to keep you motivated so you don't fail?

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